Switch CERT

We protect critical ICT infrastructures such as the Swiss university and banking networks against cyberattacks. Our comprehensive solution provides intelligent early warning of potential threats and recommendations for risk mitigation measures.

Early on, we discovered that public and critical IT infrastructures have high requirements for security against cyberthreats. This led to the creation of Switch CERT, the Computer Emergency and Response Teams at Switch, in 1994.

Switch CERT takes part in international expert networks and partnerships to share experience, anticipate cyberthreats early on and provide effective defences. Today, Switch CERT provides services to state institutions in the research and education sector, as well as to private-sector companies in the fields of banking, industry and logistics and energy.


PGP - Public Key Information

Switch CERT <cert@switch.ch>:  PGP-Key: 4096R/7441E0AE5A7B015B
2022-02-09 expires: 2027-02-08Fingerprint: 53CE 1FA9 2E0B 1D3D 6DCA 22B6 7441 E0AE 5A7B 015BPGP Key: 0x7441E0AE5A7B015B.ascKeyserver lookup: https://keys.openpgp.org/search?q=7441E0AE5A7B015B

RFC 2350 CSIRT Description

Always one step ahead of security gaps

Switch CERT helps you effectively protect your critical ICT infrastructures against cyberattacks. Benefit from our experience as a member of international expert teams.

Preventive Measures

We're here for you even before a threat occurs. Our support network not only provides assistance during crisis situations but also offers proactive advisory services.

Immediate Support

We maintain transparent and direct communication with your security and helpdesk teams, enabling prompt action to be taken in the face of threats.

Trusted Collaboration

With comprehensive insights across various industries, we provide CERT clients with our knowledge and regular updates on potential security vulnerabilities as part of the community.

Expertise on Demand

To ensure up-to-date security measures, we offer tailored training and support in designing your ICT security infrastructure.

Forensic Investigations

In the event of an incident, we initiate forensic investigations to better protect you in the future and provide all relevant documentation that may be of legal significance.


Switch CERT covers the security needs of different industries

Switch-CERT Team

Collaboration and Networking

Switch-CERT tackles security challenges that extend beyond individual organizations through an extensive network of national and international partnerships. As a founding member of the Swiss Internet Security Alliance (SISA) and the Swiss CERT Community (CH-CERTs), we maintain close relationships with governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Furthermore, Switch-CERT is actively involved internationally. As a proactive member of the European CERT Association TF-CSIRT, the global Forum of Incident Response Security Teams (FIRST), and in collaborations with security organizations such as RIPE, ICANN, APWG, and many others, we enhance our expertise and reinforce our network to effectively counter cyber threats.

CERT Community

Treten Sie unserer CERT-Community bei

Switch ist Teil internationaler Netzwerke und Partnerschaften. Profitieren Sie von diesem Austausch und treten Sie unserer Switch-Community bei. Bei regelmässigen Veranstaltungen informieren wir über die aktuelle Bedrohungslage, neue Lösungen und wirksame Abwehrmassnahmen.




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