Switch Engines

Switch Engines provides compute and storage services in the form of virtual machines to researchers, lecturers and IT-services of Swiss universities and related institutions.

Custom-tailored for academic use cases

Switch Engines was created to expand the boundaries of local infrastructures for research, education and IT-services under maximal considerations of your needs. Check out the following three flavors.  

Great flexibility and advanced scalability

Switch Engines allows you to use the computing and storage infrastructure

  • according to your needs
  • when you need them and
  • as long as you need them

Switch provides both pay-as-you go for dynamic workload as well as longer-term usage models – with varying levels of discounts according to the volume and duration. For an overview of the available storage and compute resources click here.

Simple application and full integration

Switch Engines are built in a way that fully integrates into the local infrastructures of your institution. Institutions can choose various levels of integration – according to their current and future needs. This includes:

  • direct integration into the Switch LAN network
  • console for the integrated management of projects and users
  • transparent resource usage and cost monitoring

Switch Engines is created together with Swiss universities and related institutions (such as spin-offs, research institutions or hospitals) to create the best “integrated solution” for your needs. Since 2018 Switch Engines also runs Microsoft Windows.


Kevin Chavarria

Product Manager